NEW!!! Second opinion / Claims Settlement & Dispute Resolution
When your only option is going to Court try our new service first!

Improve claims settlement and dispute resolution through structuring and coordination.
In numerous cases of national and international claims settlement we experience that disputes and conflicts result in sometimes lengthy legal disputes.
In these cases, economic, psychological or other aspects of interest often play a decisive role if the parties shall receive a service, a product or a compensation which neither corresponds to their ideas and expectations nor to their understanding and interpretation of the relevant contracts, whether they are purchase, supply, construction, consulting or insurance contracts. Unresolved conflicts are a burden for all parties – insureds and insurers equally.
As a Team, we are highly committed to a swift clarification of the factual issues through consistent structuring and coordination. Based on our technical, legal and negotiation oriented competences, we work with the parties to find a timely and focussed solutionof the case – Mark Vos, B.Eng.,International Executive Loss Adjuster, with techncial expertise and many years of experience in the settlement of property, engineering and construction claims, has a broad international competence from about 50 countries – Ulrich Werwigk, Attorney at Law & Mediator(certif.), holds wide experience in out-of-court and alternative dispute resolution from numerous legalc ases in the constructiona dn insurnace industry.
Several years of joint experience ins uccesful settlement of complex international major claims characterise our cooperation.
Depending on the size and complexity of the case, we work together.
The team works impartially and will focus on the following:
- Supporting and promoting the dialogue between teh parties
- Review and discussion of the seprating and merging aspects of a conflict
- Gain trust and identify the issues that are open for dialogue
- Finding and developing the potential for agreement
- Promoting creative approaches to inclusive solutions and dispute resolution
You can find more details about our work and experience as well as our CV on teh websites of the two members: and
We invite you to contact us:
Ulrich Werwigk, Attorney at Law & Mediator (certified):, +49 171 556 7432
Mark Vos, International Executive Loss Adjuster:, +31 615 388 080
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